UAV Integrated Navigation System: structure and investigation of characteristics

Navigation systems


Pron'kin A. N.*, Kuznetsov I. M.**, Veremeenko K. K.



The paper discusses the integrated navigation system of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), it is proposed its structure and basic characteristics are investigated. The research of the system properties is carried on using developed method on the simulation and hardware-in-the-loop modeling software complex. UAV approach was simulated in correction mode of strapdown inertial system (SINS) by the satellite navigation system (SNS) and pseudolites (PL). The effect of PL signals at the accuracy of navigation solution of SNS was investigated. The results of complex processing of navigational information in the integrated navigation system are presented.


unmanned aerial vehicles, inertial navigation system, micromechanical sensors, satellite navigation system, optimal information processing, integrated navigation.

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