Application of cad systems for design documentation development in electronic form

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities


Zimina E. P., Vasiliev M. V.


Paperless Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) and data communication is the key to create the Development and Life Cycle support Center. Modern radio electronic systems contain large variety devices, differing in signal type (analog, digital, SHF) and functionality (antenna, antenna-feeder device, receiving and transmitting devices). Realization of such systems requires different special CAD, CAM, CAE. The adoption of Development and Life Cycle support Center gives much benefits, such as: decreased time of design documentation development; decreased number of errors in documentation development; decreased cost of searching, record keeping, multiplication and correction of design documentation; decreased time of documentation transfer to the factory.


CALS-technology, design documentation, information support processes of life cycle, electronic document management, search

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