Investigation of heavy launch vehicle loading while moving in the dense atmosphere

Space technics and technology


Zolkin S. N.



This paper is devoted to the analysis of heavy launch vehicle loading while moving in the dense atmosphere in the area of maximum high velocity pressure in the stream wind and wind thrust. The thrust action time is chosen on the bases of the information about the first cross упругихvibration modes of launch vehicle construction. So that to insure obtaining maximum amount of the construction internal power factors in providing the strengths. Such analysis has been performed for the heavy launch vehicle construction with the payload consisting of a buster and satellite. The finite element model made for the solution of this problem has been verified according to the first vibration modes in respect to its full scale object. As result of the calculations the plots of the most essential inner power factors in launch vehicle construction sections were obtained and the comparison of the equivalent tensile and compression forces of carrying capability of compartments and nodes of its body was performed.


proportion unit; space vehicle; finite element model; rocket engine; launch vehicle

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