Increase of Aircraft Ballistic Efficiency By Means of Optimization of Their Design Characteristics

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Kostyanoi E. M.

Instrument Design Bureau named after academician A.G. Shipunov, 59, Shcheglovskaya Zaseka str., Tula, 300001, Russia


The paper offers a general concept of ballistic efficiency – a prospective field which enables estimation of how rational the process of expenditure of an aircraft energy potential on a trajectory is organized. It defines the place of ballistic efficiency in the structure of weapon systems’ combat efficiency. It also gives consideration to the ballistic efficiency coefficient – the parameter enabling quantitative evaluation of rationality of expenditure of an aircraft energy potential used for delivery of a given payload to a certain distance. As an example illustrating the use of ballistic efficiency coefficient we give a task aimed at optimization of tactical short range aircraft design characteristics in order to maximize its flight range. Analysis is given of various measures aimed at increase of firing range, particular solutions to be implemented as well as main limitations.


ballistic efficiency; energy potential; aircraft; parameter; area of feasible solutions

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