Air-borne operative advisory expert system for long-distance fight with ground-based target (BOAES for FGT), on the aircraft side of military aircraft

Aviation technics and technology


Lavrov A. O.


The article describes in detail the structure of the modes of air-borne operative advising expert system for long-distance fight with ground-based target (BOAES for FGT). As an example, one of the BOAES for FGT’s modes: "Attack by one plane visually unobservable group of vulnerable targets with known coordinates, using products with an inertial-satellite homing”. The list of problematic subsituatsy is selected, a prototype of a frame is displayed, the role of BOAES for FGT was considered in mentioned mode.


air-borne operative advising expert system, inertial-satellite homing, long-distance fight with ground.

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