Evaluation of commercial building systems «Yamal-300K» FOR development of Russia.

Economics and management


Koletskaya E. K., Lovchinskaya M. .., Pobirukhina E. V.


The globalization of international relations, building a global information infrastructure and common information heritage of humanity, international information policy aimed at the political, economic and cultural integration of the world community through the use of new advanced aerospace technology, creating an effective system of human rights, social institutions, free access to and information exchange. The need to move towards the information society is determined by the emergence and dominance in the global economy of new technological structures, the transition of information resources into real resources and social and economic development needs of society for information products and services, the increasing role of information and communication infrastructure in the system of social production, improvement of educational, medical, scientific, technological and cultural spheres, based on international information exchanges, and equitable sharing "of global information good."


globalization, telecommunications, space systems; Yamal-300K; regional development; distance education.


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