Features of mathematical modelling of rocket-ramjet for high-speed aircraft

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Suntsov P. S., Lukovnikov A. V.*, Fokin D. B.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia

*e-mail: Lukovnikof@mail.ru
**e-mail: NikOf@ciam.ru


The description of the methods and complex of the mathematical models, offered for carrying out estimating calculation of the technical and economical performances of rocket-ramjet on solid fuels at optimization design parameters of aircraft are presented in this article.The algorithm of the matching of the combined action separate elements considered engine at different operating conditions its work are developed.


aircraft, rocket-ramjet on solid fuel, core, mathematical model


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