A method of estimation of an object order with regard to requirements of maintainability, removability and interchangeability in passenger compartments of airliners.

Aviation technics and technology


Bodrishev A. V.1, Kuprikov M. Y.2*

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,

*e-mail: kuprikov@mai.ru


The article discusses assessment of an object position at a given location of a layout based on the optimal conditions of maintainability, removability and interchangeability. There are also considered cases of comparison of the object layout in a specified cell with accepted failure parameters. The basic comparative criteria is the correlation coefficient between the availability (the geometric component of the layout decision), and service parameters. The designed calculation module is part of a program to create an optimal layout solution for a newly designed item.


layout, correlation coefficient, reliability of results, Harrington's desirability index


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