The introduction of indicators of business space rocket complex of Russia to justify their decisions on recorporatization.



Afanasyev M. V., Milovanov P. D., Ryapukhin A. V.*, Danilochkina N. G.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article was designed to offer the choice of an effective system of indicators, providing the establishment of control of information flow in the formation of a new structural appearance of the aerospace industry. Comparison of these indicators is the basis for the development of rating companies, which reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the economic activity of the object relative to the external environment. In the course of compiling a scorecard companies were divided into groups according to the terms of the organization of production in each of the groups identified their own characteristics and formed the approaches to their assessment. Presented indicators are designed to study the economic object (corporations, companies) in key areas such as production, capacity, organizational structure, ownership and performance. Feature of the technique is the ability to evaluate the data lines simultaneously from two sides, the qualitative and quantitative. Through a system of indicators is a tool for study recorporatization of the company.


controlling; recorporatization enterprises of space industry

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