Theoretical soundness forecastings of the production potential of the region (on example of the Primorsky region) and practical value of the study

Economics and management


Kozlov A. E.

Aviation Company Progress named after N.I. Sazykin, 5, sq. Lenin, Arseniev, Primorsky Region, 692330, Russia


The Forecasting of the production potential of the region is a direct factor, characterizing in the aggregate social-economic factors of the region in more ranked type. The givenned factor is not determined by regularity by value. This value accounting, built on equations of the plural regression and checked on adequacy with use the Fisher-criterion and Snedekor-criterion. At model, founded on made calculation is perfected by form and can more carefully and be used at forecasting.


analysis, value, modeling, model, factors, forecasting, production potential, region, regression, facility, system, social-economic development, equation, factors production.

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