Inverters with multicarrier modulation
Electrotechnology. Electromechanics
,Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The paper discusses inverter multilevel output voltage forming methods that can be implemented using fully digital techniques. The first method is based on the symmetric regular sampling PWM, with stepped reference signals and modulating triangular waveform. The other method – the asymmetric sampling, offers smaller number of full bridge modules and voltage sources without degrading output voltage quality. Mathematical equations that define PWM switching instants of the multilevel inverter are non-transcendental. Practical implementation of these methods using microcontroller directly is possible. Keywords:cascaded multilevel inverter, symmetric regular sampling, asymmetric sampling, multilevel PWM.Keywords:
cascaded multilevel inverter, symmetric regular sampling, asymmetric sampling, multilevel PWM.Download