Tightly-coupled multyantenna integrated inertial/satellite navigation system

Navigation systems


Aleshin B. S., Antonov D. A.*, Veremeenko K. K., Zharkov M. V.**


*e-mail: oxface@yandex.ru
**e-mail: mv_zharkov@mai.ru


Results of the first stage of investigation of design possibilities and the main properties of the tightly-coupled inertial/satellite navigation system are given in the article carried out under the support of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research. The main objective of the first stage of investigation was development of theoretical bases for the creation of the integrated system. The main feature of the research is inclusion of the GNSS multiantenna receiver in structure of еру system that allows obtaining attitude determination


integrated navigation system, inertial navigation system, multiantenna satellite navigation system, optimal information processing.


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