The simple algorithm of stabilization of orientation of the satellite with flexible element.

Space technics and technology


Khrustaliov M. M.*, Khalina A. S.**

V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences, 65, Profsoyuznaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russia



The problem of stabilization of the orientation of the satellite with flexible element (rod) is considered on a circular orbit. Using the principle of separation of movement on the slow quasi-static and fast oscillating we obtain a system of ordinary differential equations, describing the controlled movement of the satellite with flexible rod. The model was applied to study the stabilization of the angular position of the satellite relative to the local vertical. It is established, that the simple linear regulator, used for the stabilization of orientation of the hard satellites, ensures the stability of the orientation of the satellite with flexible element in the proper choice of the coefficients of the regulator.


satellite with flexible element; the stabilization of orientation of the satellite; forced vibrations of the high rigidity rod; control with incomplete feedback; linear regulator.

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