Methodology of comparative estimation of various ways' efficiency of algorithms and software design

Computing. Information technology


Malinina N. L.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Methodology of comparative estimation of various ways' efficiency of algorithms and software design is based on net models and graph-schemes of algorithms structural properties, that is on the number of graph mutually independent ways analysis. The design cost of algorithms and software considers as a sum of separate stages costs of the common technology scheme. The job's analysis according to each stage of this scheme allows to deduce the approximate formulas for each stage cost of various technologies of algorithms and software design. According to the formulas we can receive areas of advantageous application of different methods of algorithms and software design depending on the algorithms and software size. The reliability of the analytical relations is verified by the fact of their agreement with other authors' experimental data. electric field.

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