Some Problems of Teaching Foreign Languages to Post-Graduates at MAI

Methods and tutorials


Galetskaya I. M., Kulik E. N.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Over the years the English language has been growing into the world's principal language of science. Many countries other than the English speaking publish mainly in English. According to UNESCO, over one half of the world's science is published in the English language. English has become the only truly global English. The globalization process made Russia a part of the international community. The graduates of universities consequently become part of the international workforce. To make them competitive on the modern job market we are to provide them with the necessary professional skills such as the ability to obtain information and present it effectively both orally and in writing. This paper describes experience and the results of skills courses for post-graduates at Moscow State Aviation University. Through various kinds of activities the post-graduates achieve a certain threshold proficiency in the language.

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