Text: linguistic characteristics and communicative functions

Methods and tutorials


Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Problems of the text theory, the text's characteristic features and universal properties, the entity and the binary opposition of Language versus Speech (discourse), the text in the inner- and inter-lingual communication and in the foreign language instruction (training) process, the text's grammar aspects and the syntax of the "larger-than-the sentence" entities, the sentence actualization and the theme/rheme relationships within a sentence and a text, etc., are discussed; the notions of "microtext" and "macrotext", as well as the means of implicit expressiveness are presented and described.


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