Tentative Estimate for Physical Reliability of Different Elements Based on the Boltzmann Distribution Law


Lutishev L. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia


Reliability issues are becoming increasingly important during the development and operation of modern products, thus increasing the flow of information that helps to identify various reliability aspects for products differing in complexity substantially: from elements to large systems. This includes new scientific and mathematical approaches, engineering methods, analysis of statistical and logical data, etc. However, there still remains a serious problem of increasing the reliability of various elements, thousands and thousands of which are used in real designs. A large number of theoretical, numerical and experimental works is conducted, which are generalized in [1, 2], for example, but to date there are no reliable enough and convenient methods for the evaluation of reliability of different elements, especially when their own parameters and operating conditions are changing. In most cases, either empirical coefficients for simple linear relationships or results of numerous time-consuming test studies are used for such assessments.


calculation of reliability; statistical ensemble; Boltzmann's law; the probability of failure


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