Experimental investigation of heat transfer and friction factor in discrete roughened tubes in forced flow of water

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Schelchkov A. V.*, Popov I. A., Yarkaev M. Z.**, Rusev A. K.***

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia

*e-mail: lexa_kzn@mail.
**e-mail: marselyarkaev@gmail.com
***e-mail: msshadowsm@gmail.com


The paper presents the results of experimental studies on friction factor and heat transfer in tubes with 2D- (obtained by rolling) and 3D- (obtained by stamping) discrete roughness for forced convection of water in the range of Reynolds number Re = 200 ÷ 100,000. Preliminary assessment of thermal-hydraulic performance data was done.


surface intensifiers; dimples; ring rolling; thermal-hydraulic performance


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