Design of an UHF - band rectangular microstrip antenna for application on spacecraft «Ionosphere»

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Bocharov V. S.*, Generalov A. G.*, Gadzhiev E. V.**

Research Institute for Electromechanics, 11, Panfilov str., Istra, Moscow Region, 143502, Russia



In this paper, the design of an ultra-high frequency (UHF) band microstrip patch antenna is presented. This type of antenna is offered to solve one of the important problems of antenna technology – the design of small-sized, low-profile on-board antennas.
For practical application of this type of antenna was considered the option to create a new antenna system, the spacecraft "Ionosphere", included in the space complex "Ionosonde", which is created JSC "Corporation VNIIEM" commissioned by the Federal Space Agency. The staff of the laboratory of antenna-feeder devices of JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Electromechanics" developed antenna system of the spacecraft "Ionosphere".
In this paper presents the main parameters of dipole antenna designed for on-board dual-frequency transmitter "Mayak 150/400" (radiation pattern, gain, operating frequency range, polarization, output power, etc.), which designed the layout of microstrip patch antenna 1:10 scale for testing the similarity of the electrodynamic model of the spacecraft "Ionosphere" in 1:10 scale at the operating frequency of 4000 MHz. Electrical characteristics of the layout of the microstrip patch antenna were also evaluated (standing wave ratio, radiation pattern).
From the obtained results it can be concluded that the use of microstrip patch antennas will solve the problem of the design of small-sized, low-profile on-board antennas.


microstrip antenna, spacecraft, space, dipole antenna


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