Development of a method predicting of resonant stresses in the GTE blades

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Zhuravlev R. V.*, Didenko R. A.**, Luginina N. S.***, Gabov D. V.****

United Engine Corporation “Saturn”, 163, Lenin av., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152903, Russia



When creating turbochargers important task is to predict the resonant stresses of rotor blades at the design stage, in order to minimize the risk of destruction in the work, due to the high level of dynamic stresses caused by uneven gas flow. At the moment, most of the existing methods for predicting the possibility of resonance in the GTE blades based on empirical evidence and some assumptions. To optimize the process of forecasting the level of resonant stresses a more universal computational method, closely linking gas dynamics and strength. One of these methods is the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI). The advantage of this method is no need to rebuild the geometric models and grids at each step of the calculation, resulting in a significant reduction of complexity.
The aim of this work was to develop a methodology for determining the level of resonant stresses blades during the design and results of numerical studies with experimental data. The technique is based on the analysis of the interaction of unsteady flow of gas flow and the blades of the impeller high pressure compressor. In this study, the distribution of pressure and temperature fields on the surface of the blade, obtained from CFD solver is passed to a strength. Under the influence of gas dynamic and centrifugal loads on the blade is deformed and the deformed geometry is CFD calculation. Model real behavior blades in the flow, which allowed for the excitation of oscillations in several forms.
The advantage of this method is no need to reconstruct the geometric and finite-element models at each step of the calculation, resulting in a significant reduction of complexity.
Analysis of the results of calculations and experimental data has shown that we have the following picture: the maximum stress recorded in the expected range of frequencies, the calculated stress values ​​obtained are close to the experimental data, and frequency diagrams are qualitatively similar in nature. The quantitative discrepancy is explained by the results of the assumptions made.


GTE, vibration stress, Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), unsteadiness, spectral analysis, Campbell diagram, frequency diagram


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