The combination of IR and visible imaging in the problems of identification of mobile ground targets on board UAVs

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities


Kazbekov B. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Algorithms and methods for automated digital image processing in the visible and infrared ranges obtained from the board of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) searching for moving ground targets.
The superposition of infrared images with images in the visible range in the tasks of identification of moving ground targets from UAV`s board.
Purpose of the paper is development of complex algorithm of moving ground targets identification from UAV`s board. To achieve this purpose it is necessary to develop an algorithm that can operate under the condition of incomplete a priori information about the object of identification.
The main features of the algorithm are:

  • universality of the algorithm (ability to recognize different classes of mobile ground targets);
  • stability against affine corruption of image;
  • operation in the near real time mode.

Image processing received from the UAV board becomes complicated by the following factors:

  • onboard UAV video probe moves in space with the UAV, moreover, its spatial orientation can be changed by an operator with the help of a positioning device;
  • video probe is affected by the vibration impact of different nature;
  • environmental influence (rain, snow, fog, wind, etc.).

In this study the author used methods of mathematical modeling, computer vision, and the theory of probability and mathematical statistics.
The results can be implemented in solution of tasks of mobile ground targets identification. These tasks arise when UAVs are used for military purposes: for reconnaissance, for observation of a battlefield, for monitoring results of enemy toll under destruction fire, etc.
Usage of combined analysis of IR images can reduce almost 3 times the number of false alarms what was confirmed experimentally. It is also important to note that at this stage of research combined joint analysis of the infrared image along with image in the visible range is not aimed at the object type definition (it is defined whether an object moves or not). This approach allows for quick and efficient search of moving objects from the UAVs` board without detailed analysis of the object itself.


pattern recognition, key features of the image, IR images, identification of moving targets


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