Some ways of space system arrangement for HAARP heating facility monitoring

Space technics and technology


Gureev E. D., Murlaga A. R.*

Central Scientific Research Radiotechnical Institute name of the academician A.I. Berg, 20, Novaya Basmannaya, 105066, Russia



Some problems dealt with control of ionosphere modification under powerful electromagnetic waves produced by ground based heaters are discussed. The interaction between powerful electromagnetic waves and ionosphere leads to ionospheric modification. It occurs a number of effects of great importance, e.g. remote territories monitoring, underground probing, location and communication systems influencing. Therefore the problem of ground-based-heater-activity monitoring is considered in this paper.
Some ways of space system arrangement for HAARP heating facility monitoring are suggested. HAARP heating facility is the most powerful and technically equipped heater. Main investigations it provides are of no public use. A satellite monitoring system could acquire a number of data about its activity a ground-based monitoring system is not able to obtain.
Satellite system arrangement for quasi-continuous monitoring of HAARP heater using high elliptic orbits.
A theoretical framework is proposed based on minimum-time-non-observation criterion. Using viewing angles for HAARP heater and involving the motion along the high elliptic orbit observation time for HAARP heater is obtained.
Eight satellites provide quasi-continuous monitoring of HAARP heater using high elliptic orbits. Satellite system based on high elliptic orbits can be used for night hours, when HAARP heater’s frequency is higher than 4,9 MHz.
Universal satellite system for direct quasi-continuous monitoring of HAARP heater cannot be arranged using only high elliptic orbits. The problem can be probably solved using low orbits or after installing a radar on high-elliptic-orbit-based satellites. Results obtained in this paper can form the basis for space system arrangement of HAARP heating facility monitoring.


ionosphere, ionosphere heating facilities, space system for monitoring, high elliptic orbit


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