Using of ANSYS software to create an experimental setup capable of modeling the workflow in the double-circuit combustion chamber of rocket-ramjet engine

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Shirokov I. N.*, Alexey L. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A general principle of operation and a brief history of the multicircuit direct-flow combustion chambers on solid fuels are revealed. An algorithm of using ANSYS software to create an experimental setup capable of modeling the workflow in the double-circuit combustion chamber of rocket-ramjet is engine is proposed. Since 1935, engineers have been developing technologies for hypersonic systems that can fly faster than the speed of sound in the atmosphere. Hypersonic systems would have many benefits. For example, a hypersonic missile capable of an average speed of Mach 5 could strike a time-sensitive target in short timeframe. One of possible way to achieve real hypersonic prototypes is using perspective schemes and a first step for that is 3D modeling. The scientific paper contain complete algorithm in which a real design are created from simple scheme. The main purpose of the research is to develop a scientific basis for designing small-sized double-circuit combustion chambers, which provides after-burning of primary combustion products of fuel in small gas vortexes. But, the present study provides basic findings. Further tests are needed. In this research were used software packages: ANSYS 14 and Solid Works 2012.
For research of the processes of combustion and mixing inside the model combustion chamber a software package ANSYS 14 (module CFX) is used. To create a solid-state model of the real design a software package Solid Works 2012 is used.
A general principle of operation and a brief history of the multicircuit direct-flow combustion chambers on solid fuels are revealed. An algorithm of using ANSYS software to create an experimental setup capable of modeling the workflow in the double-circuit combustion chamber of rocket-ramjet engine is proposed. Optimal expenses of components that involved in the process of mixture formation and combustion is obtained, the final geometry of the experimental setup and model is determined.


forced air gas burner, adjustable mixing chamber, double-circuit, rocket-ramjet, ANSYS Fluid Flow (CFX)


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