The calculation of the maximum thermal power space liquid droplet radiator

Space technics and technology


Safronov A. A.

Keldysh Research Centre, 8, Onezhskaya str., Moscow, 125438, Russia



In the article a new type of space radiators is considered. These radiators are based on the radiative cooling of drip shroud of actuating medium, spreading in space between liquid droplet generator and droplet collector. The energetic opportunity of applying of liquid-droplet radiators for power systems is studied.
The problem is solved in two stages. The first stage is the search for the best structure of drip shroud. External factors, such as the smallest size used drops, thermophysical parameters of the working fluid, temperature drop on the liquid-droplet radiator are used for the calculation. The concept of the distribution function of the reradiation coefficient was applied for the calculation of the structure. The influence of external parameters on efficiency of best structure is studied. The second stage is the calculation of the relative influence on each other different elements of liquid-droplet radiator. Obtained in the first stage information about the structure of the drip shroud was used for the calculation. Basis of calculation is the reradiation coefficient computation of the different planes of liquid-droplet radiator. The impact of the reflected reradiation on elements of liquid-droplet radiator is evaluated.
The energy characteristics of liquid-droplet radiator are studied. The dependence of maximum heat dissipation of the liquid-droplet radiator from the external parameters is calculated.


liquid-droplet radiator, thermal power


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