Design for traffic penetrator in the lunar soil

Space technics and technology


Rodchenko V. V.*, Sadretdinova E. R.**, Gusev E. V.***, Galeyev А. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



At present, humanity has managed to look into the depths of our lunar satellite to a depth of 3 meters. Perhaps only by drilling on celestial bodies, first of all automatically - without human intervention, to answer the question of the laws of planetary evolution, in which the origin of life is either a product of a local accident or the result of yet unknown causes. As the development of space bodies challenges extraterrestrial drilling will inevitably become more complicated. Need drilling to depths of hundreds of meters to study the spread of frost on the surface of some planets and satellites, to find, for example, water, for seismic, biological and other studies. Drilling may be necessary during the construction of lunar bases. There is a project for the construction of a lunar base with deep well, a few tens of meters at the bottom which will be blown up charge of high power. This forms a spherical cavity, it is suitable for the equipment of the shop, secure layer of lunar soil from large changes in temperature and cosmic radiation. These works will require a penetrators fired from landers space probes and penetrates the soil to a considerable depth at a relatively low curb weight.


penetrator, lunar soil, the solid fuel rocket motor; drilling

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