Modeling of damper vibrations for conductors of overhead power supply systems

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics


Danilin A. N.*, Kozlov K. S.**, Kuznetsova E. L.***, Tarasov S. S.****

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

****e-mail: maitarasov@mail


Now experimental studies of damper effectiveness for overhead power supply systems play a key role in the power dissipation analysis. But the mathematical models are of interest as well, allowing not only to calculate the damper dynamic characteristics, but also to optimize their design parameters in order to increase the dissipation effectiveness in the widest frequency range.
Spatial vibrations are modeled for a system consisting of a flexible elastic rope and weight (solid), rigidly attached to one rope end. The problem is solved with a full account of the stiffness and inertial characteristics of the system. The energy dissipation takes into account, which has a pronounced hysteresis type. The equations are obtained in geometrically linear formulation. Further studies involve the use of non-linear dynamic equations using the deformation equations in the quadratic approximation and physical relationships considering the hysteresis losses.


vibration damper; natural frequencies and mode shapes; nonstationary vibrations; energy dissipation of the hysteresis type; kinematic approach

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