Waveguide layout in the antenna arrangements for the aeronautical communication

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Anamova R. R.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: anamova.rushana@yandex.ru


Subject of research include waveguide transmission lines of the ground-based large-sized phased antennas for the aeronautical communication.A problem of waveguide layout is typical for antenna arrays with great number of emitters because of bounded space of antenna aperture and great number of waveguide elements to place in it andseveral types of waveguide transmission lines using in the antenna arrays.The modern computer-aided design systems don’t solve the waveguide layout problem completely.
Waveguide layout in the antenna arrangements for the aeronautical communication.
The main purpose of the research is the developmentof the software module for layout design of waveguide transmission line from a power divider to antenna emitters. This module will give an opportunity to optimize waveguide layout and to decrease design and engineering time and costs.
A proposed theoretical framework is based on the topological routing algorithm, set theory and graph-theoretic methods. Delone triangulation is used for the routing fielddecomposition.
Methods of connection routing are reviewed. A new methodology of automatic waveguide layout is suggested. Mathematical models of antenna aperture and waveguide transmission line meeting the topological routing methods’ requirementsare developed. A methodof equal length waveguide transmission lines routing is suggested.The present study provides a starting-point for further research in the waveguide layout automation.
It is planning to apply proposed methodology for waveguide layout algorithmization. Suggested method of equal lengthlines routing can have different applications. Automation of waveguide layout is useful especially for the ground-based large-sized antenna arrays.


topological routing, waveguide transmission line, phased antenna array, computer-aided design system


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