Calculation of Manipulator Drive Movements When Using Different Positioning Methods

Material authority
*, ,Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia
Movements of manipulator drives when performing coordinate positioning of an object in space.
Movements calculating methods for manipulator drives when performing the object coordinate positioning, based on the initial and final coordinates of three of its points.
Positioning manipulators drives movements’ calculation when performing the installation of assembling equipment and assembling works in aircraft manufacturing in order to reduce laboriousness of the positioning process performing.
Matrix transformations and trigonometric functions calculations.
Initial coordinates of tree object’s points are obtained by measuring on the object with any coordinate measuring machine (CMM). Final coordinates of tree object’s points are obtained by measuring on geometrical model of the object. Some methods of calculating for two special cases of coordinate positioning are offered. The first one is for 6-dimensional manipulator with three linear and three rotational drives and the second one is for a complex consisting of three 3-dimensional linear manipulators. Also, application software to performing both calculating methods has been developed. The offered methods of calculating provide the possibility of object’s positioning with non-iterative movements.
Performing of assembling equipment installation and assembling works in aircraft manufacturing.
positioning, manipulator, coordinates, movements’ calculation, automationReferences
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