A mathematical model of relation between shrink of laminate and its structural parameters

Material authority


Mozharov V. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: v.a.mozharov@gmail.com


The purpose of this work was to elaborate a mathematical model relating the adjustment for foiled laminate shrinkage to the copper foil and dielectric substrate thickness, which will allow to calculate the correction for shrinkage of the whole range of materials used in manufacturing.
The solution is based on the combined use of regression analysis and fundamentals of measurement tasks theory.
A general form of dependency of the necessary correction for shrinkage from parameters of PCB laminate was defined. The model was calibrated using ISOLA IS680-333 as an example. The proportion of unexplained variability in the variance of shrinkage correction has been evaluated.
The submitted mathematical model allows to forecast the correction for shrinkage of the whole range of base materials used in production using measurements from several samples. This approach results in a significant reduction in time and material costs of precision PCB production.
A mathematical model relating the adjustment for foiled laminate shrinkage to copper foil and dielectric substrate thickness, helping to reduce costs and to accelerate the introduction of new models of foiled laminate, was elaborated.


geometric stability, laminate, printed circuit board, clad dielectric material, Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)


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