Using an adaptive tuning PID controller for a radar antenna

Control and navigation systems


Ivanchenko A. J.

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



The purpose of this study is to develop an adaptive control system radar antenna based on the classic proportional and integral differential (PID) controller with application to modern technology management as a fuzzy control module.
The article describes the research challenge and contains a calculation of the mathematical model of a radar antenna and the synthesis of a PID controller. Furthermore, the use of a fuzzy controller to manage the parameters of a PID controller is proposed.
Fuzzy Control is a method used in control systems, in which the mapping of real input and output parameters is presented by the rules of fuzzy logic. Application of the described method with fuzzy logic will automate the tuning process of a PID controller, thus avoiding the manual setting of parameters.
The process of tuning the controller using the fuzzy logic block starts by finding the initial approximation of the coefficients of the regulator. This is usually done using the Ziegler-Nichols method, based on the natural period of oscillation in a closed system and the loop gain. Furthermore, a criterion function is formulated, which is required to find the optimal settings values for the optimization methods.
The simulation results show that the response of the adaptive fuzzy PID controller is comparatively better than the classical PID controller. These experiments show that the usage of an adaptive fuzzy controller to control the radar antenna will lead to positive results.
An approach to improve the characteristics of the radar antenna control system based on the application of fuzzy control is proposed. A comparison is provided with similar systems which use the classical control methods.


control system, control radar antenna, adaptive control setting, PID controller, adaptive tuning PID controller, antenna control radar, adaptive control system


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