Mathematical modeling and recognition algorithms of target on the image generated by aircraft sighting system

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities


Belskiy A. B.1, 2*, Choban V. M.2**

1. ,
2. National Helicopter Center Mil & Kamov, 26/1, Garshina str., Tomilino, Moscow region, 140070, Russia



An object of the proposed article is the theoretical basis of thermal imaging sighting system formed by electrooptic systems of the aircraft used for analyses, processing and development of recognition algorithm
The aim of the work was developing of the system concept for problems of the attribute space formation, target recognition with the help of thermal imagery of target environment and detection of angular deviation between the target and sight axis of aircraft electrooptical sighting system.
Mathematical and algorithmic description was used for solution the target recognition problem of forming image generated by aircraft sighting system.
A mathematical model and a thermal image recognition algorithm were developed.
Described in this paper methods and algorithms for target recognition of thermal image in aircraft sighting system make it possible to conclude:

  1. mathematical model of thermal imaging provides images of phono-target environment for further analysis, processing and research, based on algorithm of image recognition;
  2. algorithms for analysis and pattern recognition provide:
  • perform pre-processing thermal image phono-target environment (image smoothing and underscore boundaries),
  • get a segmented image as a separate object with known coordinates of the boundary points of the contour,
  • calculate the geometric characteristics of the selected objects,
  • perform an assessment azimuth targets, determine the expectation function and mean squared deviation of the geometric characteristics used to classify each object,
  • analyze the selected objects and define the target, 
  • calculate the angular coordinates of the object-target.


mathematical model of thermal umaging, image preprocessing, image segmentation, edge enhancement of the image, image recognation


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