Target Tracking Based on Model with Random Structure and Maneuver Phase Difference Indicator

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities


Shatovkin R. R.*, Likhachev V. P.**, Ryazantsev L. B.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

***e-mail: к


A maneuvering target has the strong influence on the performance of the automatic tracking system. The failure to detect the beginning of its maneuver often leads to the failure of tracking due to the appearance of large errors because of the wrong gauges of the real behavior of target. Modern and future electronic systems of this class have to include special devices to detect and determine the intensity of maneuver – indicators intended to correct the settings and filters support structure in accordance with the real situation.
Information used to make decisions about a maneuvering air target and its intensity can serve as a tool to accelerate the solution convergence using an approach based on target echo signal which is the carrier of special information used to accelerate convergence.
The particular research interest is the building up these filters by means the theory of systems with random jump structure. The characteristic feature of the data processing algorithms in the system with random jump structure is the ability to integrate different models of the aircraft motion and integrate information gauges and indicators.
The main goal of the present work is the developing of the algorithm for automatic tracking of maneuverable aircraft with the usage of the information contained in the echo signals; in the interest of correction filters automatically track structure.
To assess the accuracy characteristics of the algorithm support determined the standard error estimates range this algorithm. To realize this, the simulation space fighter was moving on 30 different linear target trajectories, performing "battle turn". The obtained values of the deviation estimated the range from the true range values of the aircraft were then averaged by the number of tests.
The proposed algorithm based on the theory of systems with random jump structure in conjunction with the additional information from the phase difference maneuver indicator was compared to the algorithms based on Kalman filtering. Research results showed that the developed algorithm provides more stable tracking of the target range, than the algorithm based on the model with fixed parameters.


on board radar, optoelectronic system, no signal state, air target, line speed


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