Generation of the gas turbine engine working process virtual model Subject area of the case

Aerospace propulsion engineering
*, **, , ***,Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
Thermogasdynamic simulation of the gas turbine engine working process.The article is focused on the use of gas turbine engine working process virtual models in connection with ASTRA CAE-system.
The theoretical framework is based on the methods of gas turbine engine working process theory, systems analysis, operations research, optimal control theory, mathematical simulation, calculus mathematics and computer-aided designing.
Method of gas turbine engine working process virtual models generation in connection with ASTRA CAE-system is developed. The described approach was approved on the designing of high efficiency multi-purpose gas generator, prospective bypass engine of 30 tons thrust, gas turbine locomotive power plant, during the computational modeling of Tu-154M and An-124 flight cycles and other research studies.
The results have shown good coincidence with experimental data and the results of specialized mathematical models and computer-aided systems, developed and used by the design offices.
The described approach and developed method of gas turbine engine working process virtual models generation may be used by the design offices of the aviation propulsion engineering industry during the designing, research and development of prospective gas turbine engines and power plants.
Use of the developed method provides more fast, more extensive and detailed investigations on the initial stages of gas turbine engine designing as well as design data refining using the results obtained at the following designing stages. Thus the reducing of design time and improvement of gas turbine engine characteristics is attained.
computer-aided system, thermogasdynamic calculations, analysis, gas-turbine engineReferences
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