Pulse Signal Enhancement by Disturbance Canceller on Narrow-Band Gaussian Disturbance Background

Space technologies


Matveev Y. A.*, Kovalevskaya O. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: matveev_ya@mail.ru
**e-mail: hvoctik@inbox.ru


This article provides the methodology and gives the performances analysis of launch vehicle modification based on the ballistic missiles, in which the additional upper fourth stage with a solid engine is used.
The given parameters of ballistic missiles, which are used in launch rocket base, observe the problem of fourth stage rational parameters choice and the program for elimination of transport operation, as well as provide the delivery of maximum payload mass into the desired orbit.
The fourth stage includes the solid propellant motor with control system and connectors compartments, the reserve of the fourth stage fuel and payload which includes the aggregate and instrument compartment with the control system.
Research method is built in such way that the use of the fourth stage mass m04 = mпг + mРБ4 = m04зад with given breeding program determines the altitude and speed of aircraft at the point of apogee — Va. In order to provide the necessary aircraft movement on the orbit ΔV = Vобр — Va the essential addition to the speed was calculated. We suggest that the total impulse thrust of fourth stage will be given directly in the point of contact within a negligible amount of time.
Using the dependence DV = — Pуд4ЧgЧn(1-mт4),

It is possible to calculate payload delivered to orbit mПГ = m04 — mРБ4.
The method allows to predict the characteristics of launch vehicle modification based on ballistic missiles. The achievable performance of launch vehicle modification by payload mass and circular orbit altitude are determined with the help of design features in orbital injection (apogee motor start of the fourth stage) and given parameters of the upper fourth stage with a solid propellant motor.
It is necessary to underline that the maximum of relative mass payload of launch vehicle modification (it is measure of effectiveness of launch vehicle modification) is achieved when m04 is equal to 900 kg. In this case the apogee altitude ha is equal to 800 km and the mass payload delivered to orbit mпг is equal to 160 kg. At the same time the maximum mass delivered to orbit will be obtained when m04 will be equal to 2600 kg (mпг is 270 kg). In this case the orbit altitude is 300 km. The resulting estimates can be used for direction choice of the project design in design bureau.


upper fourth stage, modification, payload, algorithm, height of the orbit, problem, parameters


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