Project-process approach to the management of the aircraft engine company

Economics and management


Mikhailova E. A.*, Sbitnev S. N.**

Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia



The development of the method of production management, which helps to raise the quality of production planning, reduce production costs, shorten production cycles and reduce the parts in work in progress. The development of the system design and implementation of the project-process approach, organizational management mechanism on the example of the approach to aero engine company.
Project and process-oriented approach is based on a combination of project and process management, takes into account the characteristics of each method. The possibility of applying the elements of project and process approaches to the management of the company aircraft engine production. The expediency of the use of project-process approach. Use the synergy method to evaluate the effects from the implementation of the approach. Use the statistical method to the information of the results of an approach to aero engine company.
A scheme of design and implementation of the project-process approach, describes each of the stages of the approach. The organizational management mechanism, improve the performance of listed companies. The approach can be applied to aircraft engine building, as well as other machine-building enterprises, including multinational companies and holdings.
The use of project-process approach has significant results in an enterprise aero engine: more efficient use of resources of the enterprise, improving the quality of planning at all stages of the value chain of the final product cost reduction in order to achieve the target cost, which is a measure of actual output in Russia in the world market of this industry.


project-process approach, implementation stages, classification of risks


  1. Razu M. L. Upravlenie proektom. Osnovy proektnogo upravleniya (Management of the project. Fundamentals of project management), Moscow, KNORUS, 2010, 754 p.
  2. Mikhailova E. A., Sbitnev S. N. Vestnik Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta, 2012, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 233-242.
  3. Mikhailova E. A., Sbitnev S. N. Vestnik Rybinskogo gosudarstvennogo aviatsionnogo tekhnicheskogo universitet, 2011, no. 2 (20), pp. 187-195.

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