Risk analysis of financing of the aircraft repair enterprises

Economics and management


Shatlovskaya K. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: shatlovskay@mail.ru


The problem of modernization of the domestic industry costs today especially sharply. In the conditions of market economy and the competition those producers who effectively use the resources successfully function.
Efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise is defined by the organization of formation of its financial resources.
Feature of the aircraft repair enterprises is formation of sources of financial means at the expense of own capital in the form of the authorized, reserve and additional capitals, insignificant dependence on external sources of financing that doesn't allow to attract and use enough of resources.
For ensuring continuous economic activity with necessary financial resources, the system of financing of the aircraft repair enterprises has to be adapted for requirements of the modern market. For this purpose it is necessary to develop the long-term financial plan coinciding on the terms from state program of development of aviation branch as a whole.
The increase in volume of repair, equipment service at reduction of term of performed works with an entry into the international market has to become strategy of development of the aircraft repair enterprises.
For realization of this strategy of the organization have to optimize system of financing of a production activity, increase a share of the borrowed funds allocated for modernization and expansion of production.
Main purpose of the industrial enterprises is the increase in their market cost that is interfaced to a large number of risks, management with which allows the organization to function and achieve successfully goals with the minimum losses.
Main purpose of the industrial enterprises is the increase in their market cost that is interfaced to a large number of risks, management with which allows the organization to function and achieve successfully purposes with the minimum losses.
For modernization and production expansion the aircraft repair enterprises need to attract external investors. Therefore the risk of decrease in investment appeal has decisive impact on possibilities of further development of the organization. For volumes of investment depends, whether the branch will be able to adapt for requirements of the modern world, to develop in parallel with becoming complicated technologies and needs of customers.
To make the weighed decision on expediency of implementation of this or that investment project, and at its acceptance to try to minimize the possible losses caused by risks inherent in it, the careful comprehensive analysis of the project assumed to implementation, a correct assessment of risks inherent in it is necessary.
For an assessment of investment risks most optimum to use a method of imitating modeling of Monte-Carlo. This method allows to estimate complex influence of factors on results of investment.


financial resources, aviation industry, risk, investments, simulation, project, efficiency


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