Problems of pulse detonation gas turbine engines creation

Aerospace propulsion engineering


Shchipakov V. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



A new approach to solving the problem of pulsed detonation engines has been proposed. The approach differs complete absence of mechanical valves and special ignition systems. The pulsation process in such an engine is initiated by generating high-frequency self-oscillations in a gas-dynamic resonator. The resonator is periodically filled with a specially prepared, nonequilibrium, exothermically reacting fuel-air mixture. The heat enhancing the oscillation amplitude is released in the course of detonation-like combustion. The results of model experiments are reported.
For present day possibility of the further improvement of the features aircraft gas-turbine engines is practically exhausted that is explained by restriction on existing materials, used at production GTE and many other reasons.
Opened at the last years perspective of the using two-stage combustion fuel have greatly raised the interest to engines of periodic fuel combustion.
In the article the perspective model of the engine with two-stage combustion fuel is described. The advantage and defects of the different schemes of the engines, similar models and problems of the designing are considered.
Transition from the thermodynamic cycle with heat emission under the con​stant pressure (p — const) to the cycle with heat emission under the constant volume (v — const) is one of possible ways to improve the efficiency of aircraft engines. Theoretical studies have proved that this would result in achieving the increase of the cycle efficiency by the factor of 1.3 to 1.5. For several decades, the attempts were made to implement the theory of the pulsed engines (based on the v = const concept) into practice, but they did not succeed so far. This is attributed to the complexity of the design, inertia and low passing capability of mechanical valves in these engines, as well as to low combustion velocities attained. The above turned to be the main reasons for low impulse frequencies, high thermal and vibration loads, elevated noise level, and finally the unsatisfactory engine performance as a whole.


pulse engine, periodic fuel combustion, resonator, detonation waves, autooscillation


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