Seminatural research stand for evaluating the characteristics of the human operator in the unmanned aerial vehicle control

Aviation technologies


Burlak E. A.*, Nabatchikov A. M.**

State Institute of Aviation Systems, 7, Victorenko str., Moscow, 125319, Russia



The increasing number of various mission types, which are fulfilled by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), leads to the continuous increment of the importance of human operator and his responsibility for the efficiency and safety of the system. The aim of the research is to study the work of a human operator during the control of unmanned aerial vehicle.
The paper presents the results of the development and approbation of simulation complex, which allows investigating the performance of the human operator during manual UAV control. The main specific feature of the research simulator consists in combination of the relative interface simplicity with the full simulation of the UAV dynamics. This approach allows using relatively simple software that is developed by the researchers themselves. At the same time the most important advantage is that the usage of the program is fully controlled by the researchers and can quickly change depending on the task. The considered version of the research simulator allows for implementing the following: the complete equations of UAV spatial motion; the model of the aerodynamic coefficients and algorithms of the remote control system (RCS), which was selected for the UAV modeling; standard atmosphere and wind models.
Experimental studies of the human operator during the control of dynamic systems with various structures were conducted.
The presented study provides a starting-point for further research of the performance of the human operator in dynamic systems
The paper aims at developing analytical methods for optimal design of UAV control and guidance systems, which can solve the problem of matching the dynamic characteristics of the systems with control capabilities of human operator. The solution of this problem significantly influences the performance of human operator and thus has a great impact on performance indicators of unmanned aircraft systems as a whole.


man-in-the-loop simulation, research simulator, human operator, the activity performance, unmanned aerial vehicle


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