Active thermionic thermal protection of elements of a design of the hypersonic flying machine at their aerodynamic heating and borders of its applicability

Aviation technologies


Kolychev A. V.

Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia



The purpose of the article are definition of applicability of active thermionic thermal protection of hypersonic flight vehicle elements at their aerodynamic heating, and also study of structure of constructive shape of hypersonic flight vehicle elements with thermionic thermal protection.
In activity it was established that heat flows of electronic cooling can reach values in 1.5MW/m2. This means that hypersonic flight vehicle can move in atmosphere in the conditions of heat flows 3MW/m2 that essentially expands operating conditions hypersonic flight vehicle on speed and altitude.
The new kind of thermal protection based on the phenomenon of thermionic emission is offered.
At movement in atmosphere with hypersonic speeds the external cover is heated up to temperatures at which at the expense of thermal energy got at aerodynamic heating hot electrons are emitted from the internal surface of external cover and then are besieged on the internal cover (anode). Further, at the expense of the received energy electrons can performuseful work under load in the onboardpower consumers. After that electrons return to the cathode and a cooling cycle is repeated again. Thus, simultaneously there is an electronic cooling and electric energy is generated.
The border of applicability of thermionic thermal protection from the heat flows, typical for functioning of thermionic thermal protection is determined. Some aspects and features of application of thermionic protection were determined.
The given research is a component of thermionic thermal protection research.
The novelty is that the phenomenon of thermionic emission is first used for thermal protection systems. The temperature of hypersonic flight vehicle elements as a result decreases and electric energy is simultaneously generated.


thermionic emission, electronic cooling, electric energy, hypersonic vehicle, thermal protection


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