Providing of the required machining accuracy of precise details in aviation and missile technology by the control of thermal deformations on numerical control machine tools

Theoretical engineering. Mechanical engineering


Marusich K. V.

Orenburg State University, OSU, 13, prospect Pobedy, Orenburg, 460018, Russia



The purpose of research is improving the accuracy of machine tools for processing on the basis of management's executive bodies on the results of predicting the thermal displacement.
The main direction of improving the accuracy of manufacturing precision products aviation and missile technology is to improve the quality of the machine tools. At the same quality criteria are the performance, accuracy and reliability. These indicators are closely related to thermal processes taking place in machine.
The development of an automated control system of executive bodies of machine tool to compensate temperature deformation is the subject for study in this work.
During execution of field experiments the regularities of changes in the thermal characteristics of machine tool, depending on the mode of its operation were obtained.
Increasing the machining accuracy of numerical control machine tools is realized on use of original algorithm for compensation of thermal deformations based on forecast mathematical models.
This algorithm permits to provide the thermal displacements along spindle axis within the limits of 10 microns regardless to duration of technological operation performed on machine tool.
The article presents the scientific based technological solutions to increase the machining accuracy on metal-cutting machine tools that have a significant importance for domestic machine tool construction. The possible limits of precision with usage the algorithm developed for the compensation of temperature deformation are identified.
The method of predicting, allowing to form the thermal characteristics of machine tools is proposed. The control method of thermo-deformation condition of machine tool based on automated predicting thermal displacement of executive bodies is developed.


numerical control machine tool, thermal deformation, compensation algorithm


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