Autonomous spacecraft onboard integrated navigation system algorithms modification

Control and navigation systems


Kruzhkov D. M.1*, Kim R. V.2**

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The subject of research in the proposed article is a set of geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) and high-elliptical orbit (HEO) satellites autonomous navigation system functioning algorithms.
The main purpose of the space vehicles under consideration is tele- and radiocommunication functioning providing. The required accuracy of satellite positioning is achieved by periodical download of navigational solution from a ground control complex. The development of autonomous navigation systems will increase reliability of space vehicle functioning and simultaneously decrease a load on the ground control complex. A concept and an architecture of the autonomous navigation system based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver and optical star tracker were described in [1, 2]. Accuracy estimates of the proposed system [1, 2] were acquired with space vehicle on-board integrated navigation system functioning simulation modeling. The goal of the research is to enhance accuracy of a navigation task solution. It is intended to achieve by modifying structure, parameters and functioning algorithms of the on-board integrated navigation system. Particularly, application of satellite-to-satellite measurements and phase measurements, adding a secondary GNSS-antenna to the on-board space vehicle navigation system, primary GNSS-antenna aperture modification.
Different methods of mathematical modeling, theory of probability and statistics, optimal filtering, object-oriented programming were used. The main applied methods of navigational solution obtainment were methods of optimal Kalman filtering, including its scalar modification [3].
Acquired results prove effectiveness of the proposed methods and algorithms. The accuracy of acquired navigational solution increased from 0.005 to 0.001 (RMS) by eccentricity for satellites on GEO and from 0.03 to 0.003 (RMS) for satellites on HEO.
These results may be used in the development of on-board integrated astro-satellite system prototypes for space vehicles on GEO and HEO.


navigation, integrated system, gnss navigation system, Kalman filter, GLONASS, astrosensor, geostationary orbit


  1. Kruzhkov D.M. Elektronnyi zhurnal Trudy MAI”, 2012, no. 51, available at : (accessed 26.03. 2012).
  2. Kruzhkov D.M. Elektronnyi zhurnalTrudy MAI”, 2012, no. 57, available at : (accessed 30.06. 2012).
  3. Krasil'shhikov M.N., Sebrjakov G.G. Sovremennye informatsionnye tekhnologii v zadachakh navigatsii i navedeniya bespilotnykh manevrennykh letatel'nykh apparatov (Modern information technique applying to maneuverable unmanned vehicles guidance, navigation and control problems), Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2009, 556 p.
  4. Sistemnyi analiz, upravlenie i navigatsiya. XV mezhdun. nauchn. konf.,tez. dokl. (System analysis, management and navigation), Moscow, MAI-Print, 2010, 176 p.

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