Multiplexing on-board X-range antenna systems for spacecrafts

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Shakhanov A. E.*, Ruchenkov V. A.**, Krut A. V.***

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



Due to upgrading target characteristics of S/C of different missions the necessity of developing advanced on-board antenna systems appears. These antennae include multipath switched antenna systems. Such systems change beam position of gain pattern without collimation in channels but by switching multidirectional emitters. The article reviews two X-range antenna systems with 7 and 16 radiating elements. This systems have low mass-dimensional parameters, scan by multiplexing emitters and without moving parts in semi-sphere of angles. Multiplexing systems works successfully with air communication systems that confirms the necessity of their studying and integration on S/C. Multiplexing antenna systems consist of emitters, switching system and UHF channel. To provide communication in set angle sector emitters are specifically oriented. As emitters for this antennae are chosen microstrip radiator. In comparison with other types of emitters (ex. horns) this one has smaller dimensions, are easy to combine to each other and sometimes are easier to allow isolation from neighbor antenna systems.
The Input data for one Multiplexing system were:
- amplification factor not less than 5 dB;
-antenna must work in semi-sphere of angles;
-signal power not less than 10 W;
-Working frequency band 8,1-8,5 GHz (right elliptical polarization).
An emmiter with waveguide powering has been designed as emmiter for the antenna.
It allows to minimize the number of dielectric materials in the design of emmiter.
On the amplification level of 5 dB the emmiter has the width of antenna directivity diagram of about 75 degrees, V.S.W.R. ≤ 1,1 , S1 parametr ≥ of 0.7.
A form of regular truncated pyramid approaches for these antenna systems.
AS should consist of seven emmiters situated on the faces of regular truncated pyramid for operation in semisphere of angles with amplification of 5dB (there are 6 emmiters located on the side faces and an emmiter on the upper face.
AS consisting of 16 emitters will have a form of a half of icosahedrons which has emmiters on the faces. In this case, AS in semisphere of angles will have amplification of 8dB. But in this case it should consist of two types (because the faces of icosahedron are hexagons and pentagons). Therefore increase of antenna gain will complicate the AS and increase its mass-dimensional specifications.
According to this work it is possible and actual to construct multiplexing antenna systems for application on spacecraft. Multiplexing antenna systems can be used in transmissing lines of spacecraft that change the orientation in a wide range. Multiplexing equipment of such spacecraft requires use of nonmechanical retargerting devices.
Using of the described multiplexing antenna systems consisted of seven emmiters on low-orbit spacecraft increases the informativity of radio link to 200 Mbit/sec and higher.


gain pattern, multiplexing equipment, multiplexing antenna systems, spacecraft, gain ratio, radiating element, ground station, phased antenna array, target data


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