A Method of Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuation by means of Modified Water Vapor

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Murlaga A. R.

Central Scientific Research Radiotechnical Institute name of the academician A.I. Berg, 20, Novaya Basmannaya, 105066, Russia

e-mail: myrlaga_olga@mail.ru


Some problems dealt with infrared and radar perceptibility of different objects are discussed in this paper. Currently used methods of the ambient medium modification for the perceptibility attenuation had been analyzed and a number of their defects had been revealed. Thus, such methods cannot provide the required defense for a long time, that leads to additional financial expenditure and pollute environment.
A fundamentally new idea based on the radiation attenuation by means of water ionized by electromagnetic waves vapor is suggested for the problem of infrared and radar perceptibility solving. Water vapor is a part of the environment and omnipresent, but has faint absorbing properties in infrared and radar ranges. One needs to find a way to impart the required absorbing properties to the water vapor.
A number of experiments with water vapor modified by UV radiation and penetrated by millimeter electromagnetic waves is suggested. A laboratory device consisting of glass box, UV lamp and a plate with hot water is developed and described in the present work. Different conditions are involved to prove that the modified water vapor strongly attenuate millimeter waves indeed. The derived medium can efficiently attenuate millimeter electromagnetic waves up to 2 dB/m and it has considerable (about 10…15 minutes) lifetime.
The effects under consideration can be applied for the defense of artificial objects from millimeter and centimeter range waves. In this case, the object has to contain a roentgen source on-board only.


modified water vapor, perceptibility attenuation, electromagnetic radiation


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