Optimization of the architecture of multilayer wear resistant nanostructured coatings

Material authority
Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia
e-mail: oki@rgata.ru
Wear-resistant coatings are an important part of modern tool materials. The coatings are applied to the most advanced tools.Coating technology allows us to give them the characteristics needed for specific processing conditions and to ensure that the coating effectively complements the physical and mechanical properties of the substrate of hard alloys.
Optimizing the coatings architecture (change their composition and thickness), it is possible to create a universal hard alloys for different workpiece materials and operations.
Studies have found that the internal stresses and the boundary conditions in the coating lead to its significant bending.
Coating bending leads to the creation of compressive stresses.
That causes the development of a crack near the interface between the coating and the base.
Compressive stresses at the surface of the coating stop the growth of cracks originating from the interface between the coating and the base.
The cracks in the coating depend on the properties of the coating and the intermediate layer. Although crack growth can occur near the surface of the coating, internal cracks may appear, which are not fully spread to the surface of the coating.
The system of "coating- sublayer-substrate" is sensitive to the properties of its components, so it is possible to optimize the coating.
To control machining with using coated tools the complex optimization problem should be solved. It was necessary to relate the criteria describing the properties of the coating to the physical processes in the cutting zone.
Architecture of the multilayer coating for a specific machining process for different materials is selected from the developed optimization techniques. You can define the cutting conditions for maximum coated tool life.
The advantage of the technique is that it provides a selection of the most resistant coating on the tool. Harnessing the power of multi-layer wear resistant coating and machining equipment increases the number of tool regrinding, increase tool life period between regrinds, and improve the quality of the machined surface.
solid carbide end mills, multilayer wear-resistant nanostructured coatings, coating defects, optimizationReferences
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