Actual changes in the organization and management of aviation systems design

Economics and management


Ageyeva N. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Changes in organization and management of aviation systems design are connected with the need of transition of the design organizations to a new stage of development. At the entry into the world market it is desired not only to update and modernize the administrative system but also to change the process of life cycle of researches and developments in organization of the interaction between the organization and external of new products and technologies. Widely spread is a universal tendency to manage such interactions on the basis of the open innovations concept. This requires development of adequate tools for organization and management of domestic aviation systems design with sufficient organizational, financial and spatial flexibility.
The purpose of the work is to identify the factors defining the need for changes in organizational and administrative processes at aviation systems design, and to offer an approach to development and acceleration of design processes, to reduce a new planes development time cycle, and to improve the quality.
The approach which is responsible for the organization and management of proposed design processes, in work, is based on the of System Engineering theory and the theory of complex systems of aircraft industry.


organization, V process of design, system engineering, management processes, life cycle model, strategy


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