Algorithms of the associated targets numbering problem in information and control systems

Control and navigation systems


Savchenko D. I.

Scientific production firm «Meridian», 9, Blokhina St., St. Peterburg, 197198, Russia



The increasing of the efficiency of situation coverage in the information and control systems of various carriers is achieved by solving the task of association target data fed by all information sources. But for all that two results of this method sequential applications could be different, e.g. in consequences of mistaken decisions about associations. In condition of associated targets data being changed appears a need in maintenance of targets data identifiers (numbers), trying to keep them stable with the time.
The purpose of the work is to specify and analyze the requirements of the problem of the associated targets numbering in the information and control systems of various carriers, and create the algorithms that would solve the assigned task.
The method of system analysis and the method of formalization with set theory applied were used as the main instruments in the performed work.
The main results of the work are:
a) a specification of the requirements for getting a stable associated targets numbering system, for the easing of the situation estimation by an operator and ensuring tasks solution regularity in the information and control systems;
b) a combination of algorithms of the numbering task solution has been proposed, that satisfies original requirements.
The main algorithm to solve a problem of associated targets numbering has a linear complexity relative to amount of targets. Other algorithms have a linear complexity relative to amount of the sources or constant complexity.
The offered algorithms could be used in the information and control systems that need to process and associate the targets data, fed by the several sources, including the control systems of surface ships and vessels.
Offered requirements and algorithms are generic and could be used in many different information and control systems. For a given control system some requirements could be precised or reduced with an opportunity to simplify applied algorithm.


information and control systems, association, information sources, target situation, tertiary processing, target numbering


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