Influence of Electromagnetic Radiation of Stationary Plasma Thrusters on Noise Characteristics of Space Communication Links

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems
As investigations have shown, the electromagnetic radiation of stationary plasma thrusters (SPT) represents a broadband random process, the spectral power density of which is from some tens of Hz to some tens of GHz. This radiation represents interference for space communication system channels. The purpose of this paper is to assess influence of the SPT electromagnetic radiation on noise characteristics of space communication systems.Space communication systems are relatively narrow-band ones in many cases. But according to the results of experimental studies, the SPT radiation is a broad-band process at the same time. For the preliminary analysis of interference immunity of such communication systems under the SPT radiation influence the model in a form of the additive white Gaussian noise in the receiver band can be used. As a first approximation, such approach allows rather simple quantitative assessment for the influence of SPT radiation on quality characteristics (reliability, operational range, data transmission rate, etc.) of communication systems.
Calculations show that under such assumptions for the operating SPT the signal-to-noise ratio may become worse by 2-8 dB at the initial noise temperature of the system from 100К to 10К. In this case, the maximum range of communication system Earth-SC can decrease by 1-4 dB that is potentially more than 2 times.
Thus, under certain conditions the SPT self electromagnetic radiation can interfere substantially the noise characteristics of space radio communication systems.
In this connection for minimizing the influence of SPT radiation on space communication systems it is necessary to undertake special measures.
Results obtained may be used to analyze the SPT radiation influence on the operation of space communication systems.
space communication, stationary plasma thrusters, product resistanceReferences
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