Adaptive Interference Filtering in the Multi-Channel On-Board Systems

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems


Grubrin I. V.*, Ligina I. U.**




In this paper, we propose the direct inversion of matrix interference algorithm with respect for the criteria of maximum signal-to-noise ratio as the solution of the adaptive interference filtering problem in the multi-channel on-board systems. The use of the proposed adaptive structure allows one to take into account the properties of the timing filter, unlike the known structures with gradient adaptive processing algorithms, which have a low rate of convergence as one of their disadvantages. The structure of adaptive processing is implemented on the basis of multiply-delay line weights in the channels of each tap, which are building not only matched filter, but also take into account the different properties of temporal frequency filter.
As the result of mathematical transformations, it can be shown that the proposed algorithm takes into account the frequency response of the temporal filter. When one changes the characteristics of the spatial filter it leads to the increasing of the signal-to-noise ratio in comparison with the known structures of adaptive signal processing.
The proposed algorithm can build the correlation matrix of the noise for a quick release to the extreme interval, and then it relies on the well-known gradient algorithm at regions of extremes. As a result, it will significantly reduce the computational error and increase the speed of convergence.


criteria of maximum signal-to-ratio, adaptation, algorithm, filtering, temporary filter


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