Ballistic stability of fabric armor package for airplane armored jacket

Material authority


Tazetdinov R. G.1*, Tverdokhleb A. A.2**, Tibirin G. S.1***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Research production association «Dinafors», 1/21, Stari Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd, Moscow, 127287, Russia



The article is devoted to creation of fabric armor package mathematical model, its calculations and experimental study of protective characteristics. The steel balls were chosen as simulator of destroying impact. Each layer of armor package was separately considered as a sphere during the supersonic hit period or as a combination between sphere and tore during the following period. Interaction between layers was defined by pressure and friction. The mathematical model allows to determine the number of punched fabrics layers depending on mass and velocity of the ball. Corresponding dependencies are given in the article.
The slippage of the ball between threads and armor package overpunch was observed in preliminary tests. The placement of polymeric film in the package excluded the possibility of overpunch due to the slippage. The best results were obtained with the help of polyvinyl chloride film with thickness 0.5 mm placed between 25th and 26th layers of 30-layers package. The tests results concerning the number of punched layers mostly correspond to the calculations.


airplane fabric armored jacket, steel ball, the mathematical model, results of calculations and tests


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