Technology of basic training organization for future specialists in aircraft engineering

Methods and tutorials


Polaynskov Y. V.*, Chernyshev Y. A.**

Ulyanovsk State University (ULSU), L.Tolsotoy St., Ulyanovsk, 432000, Russia



The training of students in professional work for the industry is an important task for the regions with developed aircraft industry. Contracts of domestic enterprises for the aircraft production are the long-term ones. The process of human resources formation for the modern airlines begins with the work with students.
The theoretical basis of vocational guidance and training was laid by the modern representatives of psychological-pedagogical school. Typology of professional occupations, vocational guidance, self-determination in the profession, professional choices, educational technology, and professional diagnostics are meaningful for the elaboration of methodology in psychology and pedagogy.
Implementation of professionally designed programs for students is based on a large number of practical approaches. Domestic universities practice meetings with students (study, information, case, etc.), activities to engage young people in the world of professions, their individual training. The experience of foreign universities is interesting due to the career-oriented programs for successful adaptation to the labor market.
The Ulyanovsk State University has set a goal to develop a modern model of primary training school for the needs of the regional aviation industry. The main approaches were identified as follows: the formation of network interaction between the university and general-education institutions, industrial enterprises, government bodies of different levels, and aircraft producers on the basis of contractual relations; organization of continuing centers for occupational guidance of schoolchildren in aircraft construction; systematic carrying-out of competitions for the selection and training of the most capable school graduates in the aircraft manufacturing; formation of a multi-channel mechanism of information support of programs for school children.
Testing of the model allowed us to determine and detail the technology of successful students training. First, individual components of the career guidance programs are to be coordinated on a distributed basis. Thus, the solution of the individual problems of the career guidance centers highlights the work of the organizers of appropriate activities. Second, vocational guidance centers should be prepared to work in the offline mode. This means the possibility of duplication of certain functions assigned to the company or university, if the representatives of the latter are not able to attend classes with students. Third, the competitive exams for students should end up with different forms of stimulations for the most successful participants.
These technologies have passed the checks. Their joint use has significant socio-economic results — formation of a «core» of promising students — future students in aircraft engineering disciplines, proliferation of potential applicants interested in obtaining promising specialty in aircraft engineering, increase in the total number of students of secondary and high schools involved in the research, creative and practical activities.
Obtaining of such results promises intensive development of the university, municipalities, the region as a whole.


professional orientation system, primary training, organization of the process technology


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